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Materials Characterization  

Materials Characterization is the process of measuring and determining the physical, chemical, mechanical, and microstructural properties of materials. This process leads to the higher level of understanding needed to resolve important issues, such as causes of failure and process-related problems, and allows the manufacturer to make critical materials decisions.

Our experience working with advanced materials and techniques supports the accurate interpretation of the resulting data, leading to a better understanding of the macro, micro, and nano-scale properties and their interactions within these advanced materials.

We discuss the analytical results with our clients to provide a clear understanding of how our technology solutions can help them to realize their ideas, reach their goals, and improve their products.

Whether you are selecting materials for new product development, conducting concept validation and prototype testing, qualifying first production lot or pilot lot, or trying to determine the cause of a failure, AlfaTech Services offers a sophisticated suite of materials characterization tools and processes for supporting you towards the same:

We offer a sophisticated suite of materials characterization tools and processes for supporting you.


Non-destructive evaluation (NDE/NDT)


Raman Spectroscopy


Nano-scale imaging


X-Ray microscopy


Defect Analysis


Micro and nano mechanical testing

Environmental Monitoring  

Air pollutants are added in the atmosphere from a variety of sources that change the composition of the atmosphere and affect the biotic Environmental. The concentration of air pollutants depends not only on the quantities that are emitted from air pollution sources but also on the ability of the atmosphere to either absorb or disperse these emissions. The air pollution concentration varies spatially and temporarily causing the air pollution pattern to change with different locations and times due to changes in meteorological and topographical conditions. The sources of air pollutants include vehicles, industries, domestic sources, and natural sources. Because of the presence of high amounts of air pollutants in the ambient air, the health of the population and property is adversely affected.

Ambient Air Quality Monitoring

Ambient air monitoring is an integral part of an effective air quality management system. It is a way of measuring the quantity and types of pollutants in the outdoor air. Ambient air quality monitoring program are needed to determine the existing quality of air, evaluation of the effectiveness of control programme and to develop new programme.

There may be several reasons to collect such data, including but not limited to.


Assess the Extent of Pollution


Provide Air Pollution Data to the General Public in a Timely Manner


Support Implementation of Air Quality Goals or Standards


Evaluate the Effectiveness of Emissions Control Strategies


Provide Information on Air quality Trends


Provide Data for the Evaluation of Air Quality Models


Indoor air quality (IAQ) broadly refers to the Environmental characteristics inside buildings that may affect human health, comfort, or work performance. These IAQ characteristics include the concentrations of pollutants in indoor air, as well as noise, air pressure, lighting, temperature, and humidity. Effective measurement of IAQ reduces the health risks associated with poor indoor air, creating a safer, more harmonious Environmental for people to thrive.

Indoor air pollution carries significant short and long-term health risks for inhabitants. Typical symptoms associated with poor indoor air quality include eye, nose, and throat irritation, headache, nausea, dizziness, and fatigue. In some cases, exposure to indoor air pollution can lead to acute and chronic respiratory illnesses, including asthma, lung cancer, pneumonia, systemic hypertension, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), Legionnaires disease, and humidifier fever. See below for a table of major sources and potential health effects of indoor air pollution.

Poor indoor air quality in the workplace can contribute to decreased productivity, absenteeism, and even possible litigation. By effectively monitoring indoor air quality, employers are able to ensure workers can enjoy healthier spaces with cleaner air, free from potentially harmful chemicals and pollutants. As a result, employers report higher retention levels, increased productivity, and a reduction in absenteeism.

Common sources of poor indoor air quality include insufficiently maintained HVAC systems, wood and coal stoves, non-vented gas heaters, Environmental tobacco smoke, and vehicle exhaust emissions. When designing or managing a building, it’s important to note things like materials used in construction, carpeting, furniture, and choice of solvents or cleaning supplies. Inadequate ventilation is particularly crucial, as poorly ventilated spaces (along with Environmental factors such as temperature and humidity) can amplify the pollutant concentration.

Accurate indoor air quality monitoring alerts residents and building owners to the level and nature of pollution, enabling corrective action.

Traditionally, indoor air quality is measured in response to a noticeable problem or complaint. These problems are then investigated to determine the cause and make corrections so the air quality is improved.

Today, indoor air quality is also measured continuously and proactively to ensure that good air quality is maintained for the health, safety and comfort of a building's inhabitants.

Atmospheric Research

Atmospheric research is the study of the dynamics and chemistry of the layers of aerosols coupled with gas that surround the Earth, other planets and moons. This encompasses the interactions between various parts of the atmosphere as well as interactions with the oceans and freshwater systems, the biosphere and human activities.

The climatic impacts of aerosols are highly uncertain but critical to understanding human-driven climate change. Monitoring of emissions and a better understanding of the varied pathways through which aerosols can influence climate is vital for reducing these uncertainties.

Atmospheric aerosols also have an important and complex influence on our climate. It is estimated that anthropogenic aerosols alone have cooled global surface temperatures by up to 0.8 ° over the last century. While aerosols may somewhat reduce global warming, they are also one of the greatest sources of uncertainty in our understanding of human-driven impacts on present-day climate. More comprehensive monitoring is needed to uncover the pathways controlling aerosol formation and distribution as well as the impacts they have on the wider atmospheric system.

It is clear that atmospheric aerosols impact our climate system and our climate system impacts aerosols in ways that are not always easy to predict. This is especially true considering the regional impacts from efforts to control air pollution and the various pathways for aerosol formation, transport and deposition. Concentrated efforts to measure aerosols, courtesy the solutions provided by AlfaTech, can help to reduce the uncertainties around aerosols' climatic effects and better inform mitigation efforts. This is especially important for regions that are more sensitive to the climate forcing of aerosols, such as the Arctic, and the source regions supplying the anthropogenic aerosols.